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Privacy Policy

1. Identification of DEPIL-OK S.L.

Company name: DEPIL-OK S.L.
Corporate address: Políg. Riu Clar, C/ Carbó, 6 (esquina C/ Plom, 32) 43006 Tarragona - Spain
Phone: 977 529 411
Fax: 977 529 420
Email: depil-ok@depil-ok.com
Registry information: The company DEPIL-OK S.L. is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Tarragona, Tome 1610 of the Corporations section, sheet 40; Page nr. T-21190, 4th Registry. NIF/VAT: ES B-62307608.

DEPIL-OK S.L. is owner of the domain names depil-ok.com and depil-ok.es

2. Industrial and intellectual property rights

The texts, images and the rest of the contents of this Website are property of DEPIL-OK S.L.

All logotypes, industrial designs and brands which appear on this website, are part of the intellectual and industrial property rights registered by DEPIL-OK S.L, being prohibited any method of exploitation without the express authorization of DEPIL-OK S.L., in other words, any dissemination, utilization, transmission, distribution, reproduction and transformation, either total or partial in whatever form and by whatever means  of the contents of this website, are prohibited without the prior and express consent of DEPIL-OK S.L., unless otherwise stated or its usage is only for private and personal purposes and doesn’t infringe the rights recognized to DEPIL-OK S.L. by the current legislation.

3. Protection of personal data.

To visit our Web site, it is not necessary to provide any personal information. However, if you wish additional information about our products or you wish to receive any other information, you have to complete our form for data collection to comply with your request. Only you are responsible for the veracity of the provided data.

The data provided by you will form part of a database, which responsible is DEPIL-OK S.L. and like we inform you on the bottom of this page, you can exercise your rights of access, cancelation, opposition and rectification of the data in our file, writing to DEPIL-OK, at Polig. Riu Clar, C/ Carbó, 6 (esquina C/ Plom, 32) 43006 Tarragona - Spain

The processing of the personal data of the users is in accordance with the provisions of O.L. 15/99 of  13 December regarding Protection on Personal Data as well as Regulation 994/99 of Security Measurements. 

Cookies. We use them to obtain information of none personal character on global scale. Thanks to them we can improve the operation of this Web page. 

You are responsible for the use of your password and user name. We recommend to keep the password secret and to close the session after your visit.

4. Exclusion of Responsability.

Any information related to Depil-OK S.L. which could be found or distributed in Web sites, E-mails, forums or similar, is only considered as verified if appear or has appeared on this Web site.

The user admits to know the existence of virus and other harmful elements in the network. It is up to the user to have the availability of the appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of the same and without being DEPIL-OK S.L. responsible for the damage produced in the users devices during his access to the Web site.

The access to this portal, requires the services and supplies of other information society service providers which trustworthiness, quality, continuity and execution is out of DEPIL-OK S.L.’s control. Therefore, the offered services through the portal can be suspended, cancelled or inaccessible at any moment, without being able to take responsibility for it.

DEPIL-OK S.L. cannot be held responsible for the damages and harms of any type to the user, produced by disconnections of the telecommunications networks, producing suspension, cancellation or interruption of the product.

It is prohibited to use any of the contents and services with illicit or prejudicial aims to the rights and interests of DEPIL-OK SL.L or third parties, or by any form which can damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the portal.

The user reads and accepts the terms of this legal advice.

5. Using conditions for the DEPIL-OK, S.L. web site.

The use of this web site is subject to the following using conditions which you are asked to read carefully.

The fact of accessing this web site and using the materials containing the same, implies that you have read and accept, without any reservation whatsoever, these conditions.

Using conditions

This web site contains materials prepared by DEPIL-OK S.L. for informative purposes only. The user should be aware that, due to the advances of innovation, investigation as well as the launch of new products in the market, said materials may not reflect the last updated information about the analyzed issues. Also, these materials can be modified, developed or updated without prior notification. Likewise any of the offered services, including the proper web site, can be interrupted by DEPIL-OK S.L.

The materials which contain this web site cannot be considered in any case as substitutes for cosmetics advice or of other nature. The access to these materials does not pretend to establish or imply any relationship between professional and client, neither any other type of trust- or professional relationship between DEPIL-OK S.L. and the user of this web site. Therefore the user should not act on the base of the information which contains the same, without previously turning to the corresponding professional advice. Additionally, the user should not send any type of confidential information to DEPIL-OK S.L. without having it consulted previously and having received express written authorization to remit said information.

The creation of hypertext links with the DEPIL-OK S.L. web site requires previously a written authorization by DEPIL-OK S.L. 
 DEPIL-OK S.L. declines any responsibility which can be originated from the content, publicity, products or services available in Web Sites linked with that of DEPIL-OK, S.L. 

Authorization requests should be sent to the following email address: depil-ok@depil-ok.com.

Any inappropriate use realized in this matter becomes a legally punishable infraction.